N Na Clocha Liatha Na Sceirí (Wexford) Nueva Ross Newtown Trim (County Tipperary) Nenagh Bridge (Limerick City and County Council) Newcastle West Na Solláin (South Dublin) Newcastle Neidin (County Tipperary) Newport (Clare) Newmarket on Fergus Na Cealla Beaga (County Donegal) Newtown Cunningham (County Cork) Newmarket (Wicklow) Newcastle Na Gleannta (Mayo County) Newport (Kildare) Nurney (Fingal County) Naul (Limerick City and County Council) New Kildimo (Kerry) Newtown Sandes (County Cork) Newtownshandrum (Meath) Nobber (Kildare) Narraghmore (County Tipperary) Newcastle (County Monaghan) Newbliss (County Tipperary) Newtown (Laois) Newtown (Wexford) Newbawn (Mayo County) Newtown 1 2 3